Bài tập viết lại câu thì hiện tại hoàn thành – Download.vn

Bài tập viết lại câu thì hiện tại hoàn thành trong tiếng Anh tổng hợp đầy đủ các dạng bài tập trọng tâm có về viết lại câu ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành.

Viết lại câu thì hiện tại hoàn thành được biên soạn theo chương trình sách giáo khoa hiện hành nhằm giúp cho các em học sinh có tài liệu tham khảo để ôn tập, củng cố kiến thức. Đồng thời vận dụng để làm những bài tập có dạng tương tự hoặc nâng cao đạt kết quả tốt. Bên cạnh đó để nâng cao kỹ năng tiếng Anh các bạn xem thêm: bài tập về câu điều kiện, bài tập về thì hiện tại đơn.

I. Công thức thì hiện tại hoàn thành

Thể khẳng định: S + have/ has + VpII

Thể phủ định: S + have/ has + not + VpII

Thể nghi vấn:

Câu hỏi Yes/No question: Have/ Has + S + VpII +… ? => Yes, S + have/ has or No, S + haven’t/ hasn’t.

Câu hỏi WH- question: WH-word + have/ has + S (+ not) + VpII +…? => S + have/ has (+ not) + VpII +…

II. Cách sử dụng thì hiện tại hoàn thành

  • Diễn tả một hành động, sự việc bắt đầu trong quá khứ và còn tiếp tục ở tương lai.

VD: I have learnt English for 5 years. (Tôi đã học tiếng Anh được 5 năm)

  • Diễn tả một hành động, sự việc đã xảy ra nhiều lần trong quá khứ.

VD: I have seen this film 3 three times. (Tôi đã xem phim này 3 lần rồi)

  • Diễn tả một kinh nghiệm cho tới thời điểm hiện tại.

VD: I have never been to Korea. (Tôi chưa từng tới Hàn Quốc)

  • Diễn tả một hành động, sự việc vừa mới xảy ra.

VD: We have just arrived. (Chúng tôi vừa đến xong)

  • Diễn tả một hành động không biết rõ thời gian xảy ra.

VD: Someone has taken my seat. (Ai đó đã chiếm chỗ của tôi)

III. Dấu hiệu nhận biết thì hiện tại hoàn thành

Để nhận ra động từ cần chia ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành, bạn nên chú ý những từ sau có trong câu:

  • Before: Trước đây
  • Ever: Đã từng
  • Never: Chưa từng, không bao giờ
  • For + quãng thời gian: Trong khoảng ( VD: for years, for a long time,..)
  • Since + mốc thời gian: Từ khi (Since 2001,…)
  • Yet: Chưa (dùng trong câu phủ định và câu nghi vấn)
  • The first / second time : Lần đầu tiên / thứ hai..

IV. Cấu trúc viết lại câu thì Hiện tại hoàn thành





S+ has/have + not + V(p2) + for + khoảng thời gian.= It is/has been + khoảng thời gian + since + S + last + V(quá khứ đơn).

David hasn’t watered the flowers for 5 days. (David không tưới hoa 5 ngày rồi.) = It is/has been 5 days since David last watered the flowers. (Đã được 5 ngày kể từ lần cuối David tưới hoa.)


S + has/have + not + V(p2) + before.= It/This is the first time + S + has/have + V(p2).

They haven’t watched this movie before. (Họ chưa từng xem bộ phim này bao giờ.) = It/This is the first time they have watched this movie. (Đây là lần đầu tiên họ xem bộ phim này.)


S + has/have + not + P2 + for/since +…= S + last + V(quá khứ đơn) + … ago/mệnh đề quá khứ đơn.= The last time + S + V(quá khứ đơn) + was + … ago/mệnh đề quá khứ đơn.

I haven’t played the piano for 2 years/since I was small. (Tôi không chơi piano được 2 năm rồi/kể từ khi tôi còn nhỏ.) = I last played the piano 2 years ago/when I was small.= The last time I played the piano was 2 years ago/when I was small. (Lần cuối tôi chơi piano là 2 năm trước/khi tôi còn nhỏ.)


S + has/have + V(p2) + for + khoảng thời gian.= S + BEGAN/STARTED + V-ing + khoảng thời gian + ago.

She has worked as a teacher for 10 years. (Cô ấy là giáo viên 10 năm rồi.) = She began/started working as a teacher 10 years ago. (Cô ấy bắt đầu làm giáo viên vào 10 năm trước.)


When did S + V(nguyên thể) + …?= How long have/has S + V(p2) + …?

When did you buy that bike? (Khi nào bạn mua chiếc xe đạp đó?) = How long have you had that bike? (Bạn có chiếc xe đạp đó bao lâu rồi?)

V. Dạng viết lại câu với Hiện tại Hoàn thành

Bài 1: Viết lại câu với thì hiện tại hoàn thành

1. This is the first time she has eaten eel soup.

→ She has not………………………………………………………

2. She began to write 30 minutes ago.

→ She has…………………………………………………………

3. They started studying English when they were in grade 3.

→ They have………………………………………………………

4. I last saw him 3 weeks ago.

→ I haven’t…………………………………………………………

5. The last time I watched this movie was 6 months ago.

→ I haven’t…………………………………………………………

6. It is a long time since she last saw her parents.

→ She hasn’t…………………………………………………………

7. When did you begin reading this book?

→ How long have ………………………………………….?

8. This is the first time I have been abroad.

→ I haven’t…………………………………………………………

9. I haven’t gone to the zoo since last year.

→ The last ……………………………………………….

10. I haven’t met my aunt since I was 10 years old.

→ I last ………………………………………………………………

11. This is the first time she has worked with foreigners.

→ She hasn’t………………………………………………………..

12. She started to cry two hours ago.

→ She has…………………………………………………………

13. We started to chat on the phone when it began to rain.

→ We have…………………………………………………………

14. We got to know each other when we were at university.

→ We have…………………………………………………………

15. The last time she phoned her parents was 3 weeks ago.

→ She hasn’t……………………………………………………

16. It is a long time since we last went to this restaurant.

→ We haven’t……………………………………………………

17. When did you have this laptop?

→ How long ……………………………………………………….?

18. This is the first time I have joined such an exciting party.

→I haven’t …………………………………………………………

19. I haven’t heard from her for many years.

→ The last …………………………………………………………

20. The children haven’t been taken to the park since 2012.

→ The last time …………………………………………………

21. This is not the first time we have visited this city.

→ This is not our………………………………………………

22. This is the second time I have seen this movie.

→ I have …………………………………………………………

23. This is the second time he has been to a tennis match.

→ He has …………………………………………………………

24. She started doing the housework as soon as she got home.

→ She has………………………………………………………

25. He started his career as a teacher 20 years ago.

→ He has …………………………………………………

26. Is this your first visit to our country?

→ Haven’t you……………………………………………………..?

27. The last time we contacted was 3 months ago.

→ We haven’t ………………………………………………………

28. It is a long time since I last wrote to her.

→ I haven’t………………………………………………………

29. When did you start to wait for the bus?

→ How long have ……………………………………………………….?

30. This is the second time I have stayed in this hotel.

→ I have ………………………………………………………………

31. He last sent me postcards when he was in Paris.

→ The last time…………………………………………………………….

→ He hasn’t ………………………………………………………………

32. They haven’t visited their hometown since they were 12.

→ They last …………………………………………………………

33. This is the first time she has read such a romantic novel.

→ She hasn’t………………………………………………………

34. We began to talk two hours ago.

→ It’s two hours……………………………………………………

35. My father started to work as an engineer when he was 22.

→ My father has …………………………………………………

36. She last sent me letters last year.

→ She hasn’t……………………………………………………

→ The last time …………………………………………………

37. The last time she phoned her parents was ages ago.

→ It’s ages …..…………………………………………………

38. It is a long time since we last went to this restaurant.


→ We haven’t ……………………………………………………

39. When did you move to this house?

→ How long have……………………………………………………….?

40. She moved to this city 4 weeks ago.

→ She has ………………………………………………………..

41. I haven’t seen my brother for many years.

→ The last ………………………………………………………

42. We haven’t been taken to the zoo for 5 months.

→ The last time we………………………………………………

43. This is the third time I have been to Nha Trang.

→ I have…………………………………………………………

44. Have you come here before?

→ Isn’t this ……………………………………………………

Bài 2: Viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành dưới dạng câu khẳng định dựa trên những từ gợi ý dưới đây

1. Mary / visit / his grandparents

2. Jack / play games / on the computer

3. John and Su / wash / their car

4. Andrew / repair / his bike

5. Phil / help / Anne with maths

6. Brad and Louise / watch / a film

7. Tamara / talk to / her best friend

8. Bridgette / draw / a picture

9. Carol / read / a computer magazine

10. Tom and Alice / be / to a restaurant


1. Mary has visited his grandma.

2. Jack has played on the computer.

3. John and Su have washed their car.

4. Andrew has repaired his bike.

5. Phil has helped Anne with maths.

6. Brad and Louise have watched a film.

7. Tamara has talked to her best friend.

8. Bridgette has drawn a picture.

9. Carol has read a computer magazine.

10. Tom and Alice have been to a restaurant.

Bài 3: Viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành dưới dạng câu nghi vấn dựa trên những từ gợi ý dưới đây

1. you / answer / the question

2. Jenny / lock / the door

3. Walter / call / us

4. you / see / the picture

5. your parents / get / the letter

6. it / rain / a lot

7. how often / we / sing / the song

8. Maureen / watch / the film

9. how many books / Bob / read

10. ever / you / be / to London


1. Have you answered the question?

2. Has Jenny locked the door?

3. Has Walter called us?

4. Have you seen the picture?

5. Have your parents got the letter?

6. Has it rained a lot?

7. How often have we sung the song?

8. Has Maureen watched the film?

9. How many books has Bob read?

10. Have you ever been to London?

Bài 4: Viết lại những câu dưới đây sao cho nghĩa không đổi

1. This last time Tom came back to his hometown was 5 years ago.

=> Tom hasn’t…………………………………

2. He started working as a teacher 6 months ago.

=> He has…………………………………

3. It has been 3 years since we first went to Japan.

=> We have……………………………………………

4. I last had my hair cut in June.

=> I haven’t…………………………………………

5. The last time we met was 2 years ago.

=> We haven’t……………………………………

6. It has been a long time since we last called each other.

=> We haven’t………………………………………

7. When did you have 10 scores in Math?

=> How long……………………………………

8. This is the first time I had such an exciting trip

=>I have never……………………………………

9. I haven’t seen Anna for 10 days.

=> The last……………………….

10. Today is Sunday. I haven’t taken a bath since Thursday.

=> It is…………………………………


1. Tom hasn’t come back home for 5 years.

2. He has worked as a teacher for 6 months.

3. We have not gone to Japan for 3 years.

4. I haven’t had my hair cut since June.

5. We haven’t met for 2 years.

6. We haven’t called each other for a long time.

7. How long have you had 10 scores in Math?

8. I have never had such an exciting trip

9. The last time I saw Anna was 10 days ago.

10. It is three days since I last took a bath.

VI. Bài tập viết lại câu thì hiện tại hoàn thành và quá khứ đơn

1. Samuel started keeping a diary in 1997.

→ Samuel has …………………………………………………

2. We started leaming English fìve years ago.

→ We have …………………………………………………

3. I began living in Ho Chi Minh City when I was 8.

→ I have …………………………………………………

4. She has taught the children in this remote village for five months.

→ She started…………………………………………………

5. He has written to me since April.

→ The last time…………………………………………………

6. She hasn’t had a swim for five years.

→ She last …………………………………………………

7. They last talked to each other two months ago.

→ They haven’t…………………………………………………

8. The last time she saw her elder sister was in 1999.

→ She hasn’t …………………………………………………

9. She hasn’t written to me for years.

→ It’s years…………………………………………………

10. Robert and Catherine have been married for ten ỵears.

→ It’s ten years …………………………………………………

11. It’s two weeks since they deaned their room.

→ They…………………………………………………

12. It’s over six months since John had his hair cut.

→ John …………………………………………………

13. How long is it since you rode a bicyde?

→ When …………………………………………………

14. How long is it since he wrote to ỵou?

→ When…………………………………………………

15. When did he last talk to you?

→ How long …………………………………………………

16. When did you last telephone him?

→ Hong long …………………………………………………

17. We have never eaten this kind of food before.

→ It’s the …………………………………………………

18. This is the fìrst time I have seen this fìlm.

→ I have never…………………………………………………

19. This is the first time he went abroad.

→ He hasn’t …………………………………………………

20. She started driving 1 month ago.

→ She has …………………………………………………

21. We began eating when it started to rain.

→ We have …………………………………………………

22. I last had my hair cut when I left her.

→ I haven’t …………………………………………………

23. The last time she kissed me was 5 months ago.

→ She hasn’t…………………………………………………

24. It is a long time since we last met.

→ We haven’t…………………………………………………

25. When did you have it ?

→ How long…………………………………………………

26. This is the first time I had such a delicious meal .

→ I haven’t…………………………………………………

27. I haven’t seen him for 8 days.

→ The last…………………………………………………

28. I haven’t taken a bath since Monday.

→ It is…………………………………………………

29. It’s 2 years since I had a punture.

→ I have …………………………………………………

30. It’s 2 months since he earned any money.

→ He has …………………………………………………

31. He last shaved the day before yesterday.

→ He hasn’t …………………………………………………

32. I last drank champagne at my brother’s wedding.

→ I haven’t …………………………………………………

33. It’s 2 years since I was last in Rome.

→ I haven’t…………………………………………………

34. I saw Tom last on his wedding day.

→ I haven’t …………………………………………………

35. I last ate raw fish when I was in Japan.

→ I haven’t …………………………………………………

36. It’s years since Mary last spoke French.

→ Mary hasn’t…………………………………………………

37. It’s ten weeks since since I last had a good night sleep.

→ I haven’t…………………………………………………

38. He last paid taxes in 1970.

→ He hasn’t…………………………………………………

39. I last ate meat 5 years ago.

→ I haven’t…………………………………………………

40. It’s 3 months since since the windows were cleaned.

→ The windows haven’t …………………………………………………

41. It’s years since I took photographs.

→ I haven’t …………………………………………………

42. I last watched TV on new years’s day.

→ I haven’t …………………………………………………

43. It’s 3 months since he wrote to me.

→ He hasn’t …………………………………………………

44. The last time I was aboard was in the summer of 1978.

→ I haven’t…………………………………………………

45. It’s ten years since that house was lived in.

→ That house …………………………………………………

46. I haven’t seen him for 2 months.

→ I last …………………………………………………

47. I haven’t been to a concert for over a year.

→ The last time …………………………………………………

48. The last time I really enjoyed myself was your birthday party.

→ I haven’t …………………………………………………

49. It’s nearly 20 years since my father saw his brother.

→ My father hasn’t…………………………………………………

50. When did you learn to drive?

→ How long is it …………………………………………………

51. The last time I went swimming was when we were in Spain.

→ I haven’t …………………………………………………

52. You haven’t tidied this room for weeks.

→ It’s weeks …………………………………………………

53. We started looking for a flat 2 months ago and we are still looking.

→ We have …………………………………………………

54. This is the first time I’ve been to a night club

→ I haven’t …………………………………………………

55. They have never heard such a thing before.

→ This is the first time …………………………………………………

56. Noone has challenged his authority before.

→ This is the first time…………………………………………………

57. She left university 2 years ago

→ It is …………………………………………………

58. My mother was the most warm-hearted person I’ve ever known.

Đọc thêm:  500 từ vựng tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Công nghệ thông tin thông

→ I have…………………………………………………

59. I haven’t been able to see them for over a year.

→ It is …………………………………………………

60. It stared to rain at 2 o’clock.

→ It has…………………………………………………

61. I have never been to the ballet before.

→ It is…………………………………………………

62. John and Mary moved to Edinburgh twenty years ago.

→ It is…………………………………………………

63. The police started looking for him two months ago.

→ For two months now the …………………………………………………

64. I have never seen a dirtier-looking dog.

→ This is…………………………………………………

65. Mary rang hours and hours ago.

→ It it hours…………………………………………………

66. It is ages since Alan visited his parents.

→ Alan…………………………………………………

67. John has not had his hair cut for over six months.

→ It is …………………………………………………

68. I has never seen such a beautiful building.

→ It’s the most …………………………………………………

69. I have never read such a romantic story.

→ This is the most …………………………………………………

70. They had never had such a cold winter.

→ It was the…………………………………………………

71. You will never meet anyone more dangerous than Mrs Jones.

→ Mr. Jones is the most …………………………………………………

72. Man has never had such efficient servants as computer.

→ Computer is the most …………………………………………………

73. I haven’t played football since 2000.

→ The last time …………………………………………………

74. I haven’t been to HCM city for 2 years.

→ The last time…………………………………………………

75. I ‘ve never met such a famous person before.

→ It is the first time…………………………………………………

76. She hasn’t seen that boy here before.

→ It is the first …………………………………………………

77. She hasn’t written to us since last year.

→ The last time …………………………………………………

78. She started to learn E 8 years ago.

→ It’s…………………………………………………

79. He hasn’t laughed so much for ages.

→ It’s …………………………………………………

80. I haven’t enjoyed myself so much for years.

→ It’s…………………………………………………

81. The telephone rang for hours.

→ It’s hours …………………………………………………

82. I haven’t seen him for ages.

→ It’s …………………………………………………

83. I have learned English for four years.

→ We started…………………………………………………

84. Ly’s father started to stop smoking last year.

→ Ly’s father …………………………………………………

85. The editor hasn’t written to Mai for a month.

→ The editor last…………………………………………………

86. How long have you learned spanish?

→ How long ago …………………………………………………

VII. Viết lại câu với thì hiện tại hoàn thành

1- I have never been to Nha Trang before..

→ This is ………………………………………………………………………..

2.I last wore that shirt in May.

=> I haven’t……………………………………………………………………….

3.We have met each other for ages.

=> It’s……………………………………………………………………………

4. It’s two years since I last spoke to her.

– I haven’t………………………………………………………………………..

5. I haven’t enjoyed myself so much for years.

=> It’s years ………………………………………………………………………..

6. This is my first visit to Scotland.

=> I have………………………………………………………………………..

7. It’s 3 years since I last spoke to her.

→I haven’t……………………………………………………

8. Have you gone to school late before ?

→ Is this …………………………………………………………….

9. We haven’t seen each other for over two years.

=> The last time …………………………………………………

10. That’s the strangest film I’ve ever seen.

→I have never…………………………………………………………….

11. The last time we met each other was ten years ago.

→ We haven’t…………………………………………………………….

12. Have you ever played a computer game before?

Is this………………………………………………………………………….

13. It’s three years since I last spoke to her.

I haven’t………………………………………………………….

14. It’s two years since I last spoke to him.

-> I haven’t…………………………………………………………….

15. We started living here 20 years ago.

-> We have……………………………………………………………..

16. I’ve never eaten this kind of cake.

-> It’s ………………………………………………………………………

17- The last time I saw her was in 2005.

→ I haven’t …………………………………………………………….

18. The last time I played tennis was in 1990.

→ I haven’t……………………………………………………………………

19- The last time I saw her was in 2005.

→I haven’t……………………………………………………………….

20. Is this the best price you can offer?

→ Can’t you ……………………………………………………………..

21. I last saw him when I was a student.

→ I haven’t……………………………………………………………

22. He hasn’t come back to his village for over 20 years now.


23. We’ve never met such a famous singer before.

It’s the first time………………………………………………

24. She started working as a secretary five years ago.

→ She has ……………………………………………………………

25. How long is it since you used the pen?

→When ……………………………………………………….?

26. It’s one year since I last saw him

→I haven’t……………………………………………………………

27. It’s three years since I last spoke to her.

– I haven’t………………………………………………………

28. They last visited me 5 years ago.

=> They haven’t…………………………………………………

29. They have studied computer for two years.

=> They started………………………………………………

30. The last time we met each other was ten years ago.

-> We haven’t……………………………………………………..

31. The last time I went to Ho Chi Minh City was 6 years ago.

I haven’t……………………………………………………

32. I’ve never eaten this kind of cake.

It’s ………………………………………………………………….

33. It’s three years since I last spoke to her.

-> I haven’t………………………………………………………

34. How long is it since you used the car?

-> When …………………………………………………………

35. We started living here 15 years ago.

-> We have…………………………………………………………

36. It is over two years since they left their homeland.

They haven’t ……………………………………….

37. The last time we met each other was ten years ago.

→ We haven’t ………………………………………………………

38. I haven’t enjoyed myself so much for years.

=> It’s years ………………………………………………………

39. This is my first visit to Scotland.

=> I have………………………………………………………

40. This is the first time I have ever eaten such a delicious chicken thigh.

→ This is the……………………………………………………………….

41. We haven’t met one another since we left school.

→ The last……………………………………………………………….

42. This is the first time I’ve made such a stupid mistake.

→I ……………………………………………………………………….

43. It has been raining for five hours.

→ It started…………………………………………………………….

44. It is over two years since they left their homeland.

→They haven’t ………………

45. Your brother is the most punctual person I’ve ever met.

→ I’ve ………………..…………

46. Nam and his family went on a trip to their home village for two days.

→ Nam and his family had.……

47. I haven’t enjoyed myself so much for years.

=> It’s years ……………………………………..

48. This is my first visit to Scotland.

=> I have…………………………………………

49. I have never heard the song before.

– > This is………………………………………………………..

50. Tom started learning English in 1990.

=> Tom……………………………..

51. He last met my sister last summer.


52. How long have you studied medicine?

=>When ……………………………

53. We haven’t been to the concert for aver a year.

=> The last time ……………………

54. We last saw our grandfather two years ago.

=> we haven’t …………………………

55. I have never read such a romantic story.

=> This is ……………………

56. It’s nearly twenty years since my father saw my uncle.

=> My father ……………………

57. The last time we went to a cinema was two years ago.

=> We haven’t ……………………

58. He hasn’t been to his village for over 20 years.

=> It’s ………………………

59. The last time we saw him was on Monday.

=> We haven’t ……………………

60. The last time I saw David was in 1989.

=> I haven’t …………………

61. How long is it since they went to London.

=> When ……………………

62. I last spoke to Jim when I sold him my old car.

=> I haven’t ……………

63. I haven’t seen him for two weeks.

=> The last time I…………………

64. It is over two years since they left their homeland.

=> They haven’t ………………

65. She started to learn English in 2003.

=> She has ……………………..

66. The last time I saw her was in 2005.

→ I haven’t ………………………………………………………………………..

67. They’ ve lived here for six years .

They moved…………………………………………………………

68. I’ve never read a more romatic story.

It’s the…………………………………………………………..

69. I haven’t met him for two years.

It’s ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

70. I last saw him when I was a student.

→ I haven’t ……………………………………………………

71. I have never heard the song before.

– > This is…………………………………………………………………………

72. We have not visited the museum before.

→ This is

73. How long is it since he left school?

” When………………………………………………………..

74. Nam has never spoken to a foreigner before.

” It……………………………………………………

75. Hung started to learn English when he was 5 years old.

-> Hung has …………………………

76. It’s nearly two years since we saw him.

We haven’t……………………………………………

77. I haven’t enjoyed myself so much for years.

=> It’s years ____________________________.

78. He hasn’t come back to his home village for over 20 years.

=> It’s ……………………………

79. We started living here fifteen years ago.

-We have…………………………………………

80. Have you ever played a computer game before?

Đọc thêm:  Viết đoạn văn bằng tiếng Anh về quần áo hay nhất - Step Up English

-Is this………………………………………

81. I last saw him when I was a student.

→ I haven’t __________________________________.

82. It is over two years since they left their homeland.

They haven’t …………………………

83. I last saw Bob when I was in Ho Chi Minh City.

I haven’……………………………………………….

84. I haven’t seen that man here before.

This is ………………………………………………

85. No one has seen Hoa since her birthday.

-> The last time Hoa .. …………………………………

86. They’ ve lived here for six years .

They moved…………………………………………

87. I’ve never read a more romatic story.

It’s the…………………………………………….

88. I haven’t met him for two years.

It’s ………………………………………………………………….

89. He learned to drive when he was eighteen.

He has …………………………………………..

90. The last time I saw Linda was at Jimmy’s birthday party.

– I haven’t……………………………………….

91. I’ve never seen that play before.

– It’s………………………………………………………………………..

92. We last saw our uncle five months ago.

→ We haven’t………………………………………

93. When did you last see Tom ?

→How long is it……………………………………………………?

94. I haven’t been able to see them for over a year.

→ It is ……………………………………………………

95. When did you last see Tom?

” How long is it…………………………………………………………….

96. The last time we saw her was on Christmas Day.

We haven’t…………………………………….

97. I haven’t eaten this kind of food before.

This is…………………………………………

98. We haven’t visited my grandparents for two months.

The last time……………………………

99. I have studied english for three years.

I began……………………………………..

100. My brother hasn’t seen his best friend for nearly five years.

It’s ………………………………

101. When did you start learning english?

How long…………………………………..

102. It’s nearly two years since we saw Tom

We haven’t ………………………………….

103. The last time I saw him was i 1985.

I haven’t ………………………………..

104. We haven’t seen each other for over two years.

The last time…………………………………

105. It is two months since I saw him.

I haven’t ……………………………….

106. I haven’t seen her sinve she left for hanoi.

I last saw……………………………….

107. How long have you learned english?

How long ago…………………………….

108. She started learning English three years ago.

– She has ……………………………

109. It started to snow at 5 o’clock.

→ It has……………………………………………..

110. Sue began to be interested in healthy eating 3 years ago.

→ Sue has been……………………….

111. I last read a book on September 20.

→ I haven’t………………………………………………

112. We have been here since last week.

->We came……………………………………………………………………

113. It’s one year since I last saw him

->I haven’t……………………………………………………….

114. She started working as a secretary five years ago.

→ She has………………………………….

115. The last time she visited me was five months ago

-She hasn’t…………………………….

116. Minh began to collect stamps in 2000

-Minh has……………………………..

117. We began to study English 5 years ago.

→.We have ………………………………………..

118. This is the best computer I have ever used

-I have never………………………………………………………………

119. We started living here two years ago.

-> We have……………………………..………..……

120. How long is it since he bought the computer?

-> When………………………………….……………

121. That’s the worst film I’ve ever seen.

-> I’ve never………………………..…………………

122. It’s a long time since we became close friends.

→We have………..………………………..…….…………

123. When did you start playing the piano?

→ How long…………………………………………?

124. This is the best bike I have used.

=> I have never…………

125. The last time he met her when he lelf school.

=> He hasn’t…………………………………………………..

126. The last time I saw Linda was at Jimmy’s birthday party.

– I haven’t……………………………………………………………

127. I’ve never seen that play before.

– It’s…………………………………………………

128. We last saw our uncle five months ago.

→ We haven’t………………………………..…………

129. I last heard this song ten years ago .

→ It is………………………………………….……………

130. When did you last see Tom ?

→How long is it……………………………….……….?

131. I haven’t been able to see them for over a year.

→ It is ………………………………………………………..

132. We started living here fifteen years ago.

-We have………………………………………………..

133. Have you ever played a computer game before?

-Is this………………………………………………

VIII. Viết lại câu có đáp án

1. Dorothy has just watered the flowers. (two minutes ago)


2. We didn’t get ready for the party. (yet)


3. She has already done the washing up. (an hour ago)


4. Have you ever visited an orphanage? (last year)


5. Uncle Tom took me to the school today. (already)


6. Haven’t you put on your jacket yet? (in the morning)


7. Susan didn’t spend her summer in Italy last year. (never)​


8. The children didn’t return back from the school. (yet)


9/ It’s years since she wrote to me.

-> _________________________________

10/ I last took a bath 2 days ago.

-> _________________________________

11/ The last time I cooked was 3 years ago.

-> _________________________________

12/ When did you bought that bag?

-> _________________________________

13/ I last saw him 2 days ago.

-> _________________________________

14/ I started writing blog 2 months ago

-> _________________________________

15/ She began living in Danang when she was a child.

-> _________________________________

16/ It is 5 years since I last visit my grandparents.

-> _________________________________

17/ When did you start loving him?

-> _________________________________

18/ The last time I went to bar was 6 years ago.

-> _________________________________

Đáp án

1. Dorothy watered the flowers two minutes ago

2. We haven’t get ready for the party yet

3. She finished washing up an hour ago

4. Did you visit an orphanage last year?

5. Uncle Tom has already take me to the school

6. Didn’t you put your jacket in the morning?

7. Susan has never spent her summer in Italy

8. The children haven’t return from the school yet.

9 – She hasn’t written to me for years.

10 – I haven’t taken a bath for 2 days.

11 – I haven’t cooked for 3 years

12 – How long have you bought that bag?

13 – I haven’t seen him for 2 days.

14 – I have written blog for 2 months.

15 – She has lived in Danang since she was a child.

16 – I haven’t visited my grandparents for 5 years.

17 – How long have you loved him?

18 – I haven’t gone to bar for 6 years.

IX: Rewrite sentences with the same meaning

1. The last time I wrote a letter was 5 years ago.

2. When did you build the house?

3. I last met him 3 days ago.

4. She started working as an accountant 2 months ago.

5. He began playing football when he was 6 years old.

6. It’s been 2 years since the last time I went to Ho Chi Minh city.

7. This is the first time I have seen such a beautiful girl.

8. I haven’t been to Japan for 4 years.

9. I have never eaten such a delicious cake like this before.

10. I have learnt English for 10 years.

11. How long have you had this car?

12. They began studying Spanish when they were in grade 4.

13. Mary hasn’t met her aunt since she was 8 years old.

14. It’s been over 4 years since they left their homeland.

15. The last time I spoke to her was in 2010.

16. They have lived here for 10 years.

17. I have never read a detective story before.

18. I last saw him when I was a student.

19. How long has it since he graduated?

20. When did you last see Peter?


1. I haven’t written a letter for 5 years.

2. How long have you built the house?

3. It’s been 3 days since the last time I met him.

4. She has worked as an accountant for 2 months.

5. He has played football since he was 6 years old.

6. I last went to Ho Chi Minh City 2 years ago.

7. I have never seen such a beautiful girl.

8. The last time I went to Japan was 4 years ago.

9. This is the first time I have eaten such a delicious cake like this.

10. I started/began learning English 10 years ago.

11. When did you buy this car?

12. They have studied Spanish since they were in grade 4.

13. The last time Mary met her aunt was when she was 8 years old.

14. They left their homeland over 4 years ago.

15. I haven’t spoken to her since 2010.

16. It’s been 10 years since they lived here.

17. This is the first time I read a detective story.

18. I haven’t seen him since I was a student.

19. When did he graduate?

20. How long has it been since you last saw Peter?

Đánh giá bài viết

Theo dõi chúng tôi www.hql-neu.edu.vn để có thêm nhiều thông tin bổ ích nhé!!!

Dustin Đỗ

Tôi là Dustin Đỗ, tốt nghiệp trường ĐH Harvard. Hiện tôi là quản trị viên cho website: www.hql-neu.edu.vn. Hi vọng mọi kiến thức chuyên sâu của tôi có thể giúp các bạn trong quá trình học tập!!!

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